Still debating their decisions are state Sen. Mike Kowall (White Lake), majority whip in the Senate, who had said he’d run for Secretary of State, but announced he is “discussing this unexpected opportunity with my family and supporters and will make an announcement in the coming days.” Although he’s a popular politician who has been White Lake supervisor, state representative, and senator, at least one top party official does not believe he has the magnetism to win the congressional, nor the secretary of state, race. A connected Democrat said, “He’s practical and formidable.” Term-limited Rep. Klint Kesto (Commerce, West Bloomfield) has been burning the phone lines in the Chaldean community, of which he is a part, lining up support for a run. And then there’s state Sen. Marty Knollenberg, son of Joe, who held the congressional seat for part of this district for so many years some voters think he’s still there. “He won’t care if he gets anything done or not, he just wants to sit in that chair,” a fellow Republican noted. “He really wants it, and he’s been working the phones.” Marty told Downtown, “It is certainly something I’m interested in – who wouldn’t be interested in running for Congress?” but that he recently opened a restaurant in Troy, wife Lori just became a grandmother, and they have “a lot of balls in the air” to consider before committing. Lots of folks believe that the Knollenberg last name could take him all the way there. Our insider has his money on Laura Cox (Livonia), wife of former Attorney General Mike Cox, who is currently chair of the House’s Appropriations Committee, and may not want to give that power up to run for Congress.