Meshawn Maddock
How soon some Republicans forget. Birmingham, which until 2018 was considered a Republican stronghold, was recently upbraided and dismissed as a toxic, wealthy liberal enclave by Meshawn Maddock, who sits on the national advisory board of Women for Trump 2020 and is wife of Republican state Rep. Matt Maddock (Milford), as well is the local Republican chair of the 11th District. Maddock was featured on Fox-2 News’ Let It Rip feature, along with Rep. Mari Manoogian (D-Birmingham). As Maddock went on and on about the violence in Democratic-run cities, Manoogian countered that she had been in downtown Birmingham the night before, and it was nice, quiet and peaceful. As Fox-2 anchor’s Charlie Langton’s eyes nearly popped out of his head, Maddock retorted, “Birmingham is the bastion of elitists. That’s a bunch of rich white women...No one is interested on election day on how safe Birmingham, Michigan is.” Meshawn then proudly posted the clip on Facebook for her fans.