Because of a weird quirk in the law, outgoing Oakland County Treasurer Andy Meisner is still in office – his 2016 term doesn’t end until June 30, and incoming treasurer Robert Wittenberg doesn’t take office until July 1. Meiser said he has hired the fellow Democrat on his staff to teach him the ropes and “so we can have a proper transition. He’s showing a real talent.” While Meisner said he is concentrating on finishing his term, after losing his primary challenge to Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter, he’s contemplating his options for a post-treasurer’s office career. With three young kids, a national office run is not in the picture, but he may not say no to running a state office in Lansing if it’s the right one. As an attorney with interests in real estate, the time could be right for him to take care of that family and put away some dough before contemplating another public service opportunity. “I went 12 for one running for elected office,” he said. “I had a great run, and (Coulter) is doing a great job. I think there will be terrific opportunities.” As for his legacy as county treasurer, he is proud he has extended the tax foreclosure moratorium another year.