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Elissa  Slotkin

Conventional thinking is that any election race victory requires a combination of factors – boots on the ground, funding and endorsements – and Democrat Congresswoman Elissa  Slotkin, the presumed party victor in the primary for the U.S. Senate seat would seem to have most of the bases covered. In the important Detroit part of the state she has now picked up the backing  of the faith leaders of the Council of Baptist Pastors of Detroit and Vicinity which represents 100 African-American churches. All well and good. On the money side, Slotkin has been a prodigious gatherer of campaign funds. But now comes the leading conservative group One Nation which has announced it will spend $70 million in U.S. Senate races to attack vulnerable Democrats, among them, Slotkin who in recent polling holds a minor lead (40-37 percent) over Republican hopeful Mike Rogers, with 23 percent of respondents still undecided. She is polling slightly better (41-34 percent) against Republican Justin Amash, with 25 percent undecided. But One Nation is setting aside over $9 million starting this August to take down Slotkin, which is why this race continues to be one of the top contests likely to draw even more outside interest and campaign money heading into the fall



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