According to Politico, former Detroit top cop James Craig said he received a call from a “potential top consultant” warning him to stay out of the Senate race before he announced in early October, to minimal fanfare. Craig and a top aide said that consultant Katie Walsh Shields offered financial incentives to keep the field clear. Craig claims she is part of Roger’s campaign, and that Rogers is trying to bribe him to stay out of the campaign. Shields strongly denies that account – although, both sides do agree that “It was 2:40 p.m. and Katie Walsh Shields wanted to discuss the difficulties of running statewide in Michigan. She said she’d love the chief to stay out and instead support her candidate, former Rep. Mike Rogers. Soon after, Shields had a similar telephone conversation with a consultant who plans to manage Craig’s campaign,” according to The Messenger. Craig’s advisor, August Atencio, texted another consultant, “Omg Katie Shields offered Chief money to get out of the race.” Shields denied the bribe, alleging that Craig and his campaign were “trying to get cheap media attention for Craig. Achieved. Shields is a former chief of staff of the Republican National Committee. As Rogers, Craig, and a slew of others are putting up their dukes against each other, they need to remember it’s also a money game. Slotkin raised almost $3 million in the last fundraising quarter, and $8.6 million to date.