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There is at least one list that state lawmakers and members of Congress would just as soon not be on. The States United Action, a non-partisan, non-profit organization focused on protecting elections, assisted by the McCarthy Institute for Democracy at Penn State University, has compiled a list of election deniers holding office across the country. The list was compiled using social media and website postings of the officeholders, along with media reports about the elected officials. Michigan and six other states have a total of 202 election deniers now holding office. Thirty-one Michigan lawmakers, all Republicans, made the list. Milford-based Rep. Matt (Mad Dog) Maddock is on the list, along with Oakland County Sen. Jim Runestad (R-White Lake). No surprises here. On the national scene,  States United Action found that one third of Congress (171) were election deniers, representing 36 states. Making the list from Michigan are House members Jack Bergman, Bill Huizenga, Lisa McClain, John Modenaar and Tim Walberg



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