Having just been handed another term as chair of the Republican National Committee at the annual Florida gathering, national political scribes are already speculating about what the long-term game plan is for Ronna (don’t call me Romney) McDaniel. There’s some guesstimates that McDaniel, granddaughter of former Michigan Gov. George Romney (1963-1969) and a graduate years ago from Bloomfield Hills Lahser High School, will parlay her current party post into a possible candidacy for Michigan governor in 2022 when incumbent Democrat Gretchen Whitmer will likely seek a second four-year term. The rumors started as quickly as Candice Miller announced that she would not be seeking the office of governor, despite her bona fides as Macomb Public Works Commissioner, former congresswoman, county treasurer and secretary of state. A Trump loyalist to the core, Northville resident McDaniel could see some blowback due to controversies that arose during her stint with the RNC. And some are pointing out that after the GOP lost both the office of president and the U.S. Senate, perhaps someone else should have taken over the RNC. In terms of the Whitmer race, some question whether she would really want to get into the trenches in a state battle which likely will start shaping up by next fall. A close Republican ally said “No way” to McDaniel seeking the governorship, although he acknowledged state Republicans are really searching when it comes to who could – and will – take on Whitmer. “I think the race is winnable, but we don’t know who’s willing to do it,” he said.