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The last few years, it has been as if the ‘circus came to town’ for the Michigan Republican Party. From a once strong and mighty behemoth – run by political and business titans, including Ronna Romney McDaniels, Bobby Schostak, Jeff Sakwa, and Ron Weiser, the party not only elected strong conservatives but raised millions. Then came the MAGA minions, and the train ran off the tracks before being temporarily rescued by former Congressman and Ambassador Pete Hoekstra. Then came the February 2025 Michigan GOP Convention, with individuals running from both the MAGA track and the more mainstream sector – with state Senator Jim Runestad (R-White Lake) soundly defeating former GOP Party co-chair Meshawn Maddock, 63 percent to 37 percent. Maddock, a Trump acolyte who is criminally charged with falsely claiming to be a Michigan presidential elector after the November 2020 vote, had received Trump’s endorsement. “I’m proud of our delegation. She does not represent Republicans. The Maddocks (she is married to state Rep. Matt Maddock (R-Milford) only represent themselves,” said former state co-chair, along with Romney McDaniels, Jeff Sakwa. “Despite Trump’s endorsement – it doesn’t mean party members don’t like Trump. But they don’t like the Maddocks. There is disdain for Meshawn. She is terrible. I am far from alone from feeling this way.” Noting that Runestad is considered a conservative firebrand, Sakwa believes he will be smart and listen to other people in the party “if he wants the money.” After all, the job of party chair is primarily to raise funds. Runestad is planning to continue serving in the Michigan Senate while he runs the state party.

 Jim Runestad
 Jim Runestad



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