Older Oakland Confidential readers will likely remember the Li’l Abner cartoon character who had a dark rain cloud over his head in most comic strips. Kind of reminds one of Republican Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido who has had his share of challenges dating back to his days in the state legislature where he was accused of sexually harassing a number of females and was recommended for sensitivity training. Fast forward to his time as Macomb Prosecutor, where he was hit with similar complaints and another suggestion that he needed further course work like what was proposed when he was a state lawmaker. On the latest formal complaint, Lucido is accused of violating a county ordinance that forbids an office holder from using county resources and/or facilities as part of an election campaign, such as the photo of Lucido in his office. Now Lucido has filed a lawsuit against the county’s corporate counsel and the ethics board, which was planning on a hearing soon on the latest complaints. Lucido’s lawsuit asks the court to issue a temporary restraining order and injunction to prevent the ethics panel from proceeding. The suit also charges that state law trumps any county ordinance and calls into question whether it was acceptable for the ethics panel to hold closed door meetings in April, May and June to determine whether hearings on the complaint should be held. Lucido’s court request was scheduled to be decided as we were going to press.