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Dani Walsh

Bloomfield Township Supervisor Dani Walsh has telegraphed that she plans to run for re-election in 2024. Walsh, who was expected to earn her Masters in Public Policy as well as her Masters in Public Administration from American University at the end of April, said she has learned so much in her first two-and-a-half years on the job, and many improvements implemented are bearing fruition. Chief among them are “getting rid of a lot of the ‘we’ve always done them that way,’” she said. A fresh perspective and a new way of approaching everything from the budget to infrastructure has ultimately invigorated much of the staff, empowering them to find new solutions to old  problems. New budget planning and creation with the aid of finance director Jason Theis, as well as excellent investment management by treasurer Brian Kepes, has revealed unexpected surpluses. Walsh said she particularly is enjoying the treasured bond between new Bloomfield Township Police Chief Jimmy Gallagher and Fire Chief John LeRoy. Walsh, a Democrat, said she heard from several local Republicans when word got out that former state Rep. Mike McReady is considering running for township supervisor. McReady, who was a former Bloomfield Hills commissioner and mayor but currently lives in Bloomfield Township, is “too Bloomfield Hills,” they allegedly said. Another plus was the addition of a very seasoned Democratic campaign manager joining her team – one who previously has only run statewide campaigns. As for former township treasurer Dan Devine running again? She noted that Devine, former candidate for treasurer Mark Antakli, township gadfly Marcia Robovitsky, and a few others seem to talk far right conspiracy theories to one another on social media, with little traction beyond themselves. See ya in ‘24.



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