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The Democratic controlled Oakland County board of commissioners in a December 8 session granted themselves an over 16 percent wage increase, following an earlier five percent hike for cost of living as part of the county budget this past fall. The latest pay increase passed on basically a party line vote with Republicans in opposition. To pull the latest pay increase off, the commissioners suspended board rules for adding this at the last moment to the lame duck session agenda. Democrats offered the logic that the new commissioner board  had been reduced in size during redistricting from 21 members to 19, suggesting that board members would be doing extra work with a larger population base. Outgoing commissioner Chuck Moss (R-Birmingham, Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills) at the meeting said the manner in which the pay hike was handled was “not a great way to do business.” Later in conversation, Moss labeled  the increase “gluttonous” and took issue with a meeting comment by commissioner Charlie Cavell (D-Ferndale) that if you want quality, you have to pay for it as “arrogant”  and  an “entitled comment.” Pay for commissioners will now jump from $36,130 to $42,130.



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