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Mike Rogers

Most political swags are writing off the push by 25 Michigan elected RNC delegates to have Donald Trump withdraw his endorsement from U.S. Senate candidate Mike Rogers, who is reportedly redoing a house in White Lake Township after living in Florida (and maybe still does). The group sent a plea to the former prez which basically said Rogers represents  the “worst of what the Republican Party stood for prior to the rise of Donald J. Trump” and would be a “backslide back toward the day of neoconservatism and globalism.” Rogers’ critics point to the candidates magical change from recent past comments by the one-time detractor of Trump, including a quote in the Washington Post that “Trump’s time has passed.” Rogers, who until this year was considering his own run for president, is now squarely on the Trump train, ripping NATO members for not paying their fair share and moving in lockstep on other platform issues. Will the issue end with a bang or a whimper? Not to worry, according to one GOP insider, who said Rogers has “got 62 percent. Meijer’s got five percent. I think he’s fine.”



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