Those in the know are concerned that another Democratic seat could be lost in 2022 – but due to redistricting. It’s known that because of population loss, Michigan will lose one seat. While the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission is hard at work, the 2020 U.S. Census has been delayed from releasing its critical information, from December 31 until at least April 30, meaning population totals and other necessary info won’t be shared with the committee – created by 2018’s “Voters Not Politicians” constitutional amendment for citizens to create fair, not gerrymandered, districts that don’t benefit one party over another – until as late as the end of July. Maps must be in by September 17. Kurt Metzger, founder and director emeritus of Data Driven Detroit, believes Rep. Andy Levin (D-Bloomfield Township, Royal Oak, Huntington Woods, much of Macomb County), is the one who will lose his seat as the committee protects the majority/minority status of both Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Brenda Lawrence.